Hunter Biden Caught Violating Foreign Lobbying Law

Hunter Biden just can’t seem to stay out of trouble. The latest allegations against him are a long string of crimes that he’s been accused of. Whether it’s influence peddling, money laundering, or drug use… the POTUS’ son seems constantly entangled in some sort of criminal activity. 

While Hunter Biden has not been formally charged with a crime, many believe he is guilty of criminal activity. Some think that he is using his influence to avoid being charged.

In reality, he is a criminal who gets away with everything. We’ve seen him: 

This July, Hunter Biden is accused of breaking a foreign lobbying law. Can he still use his influence to get away with this as well?

Hunter Biden Could Face Prison for Breaking Foreign Lobbying Law

According to New York Post, experts believe that Hunter Biden could face prison… after failing to register as a foreign agent amid years of overseas dealings. The POTUS’ son never registered under the Federal Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA).

The law states that individuals who act as “an agent, representative, employee, or servant … at the order, request, or under the direction or control of a ‘foreign principal,'” must register with the U.S. government. Those who fail to do so will be:

  • Punished by up to five years in federal prison; and
  • Pay a $250,000 fine

George Washington University Law Professor Jonathan Turley clarified that Hunter Biden was at fault here… and he is liable to be penalized. He said, “The recent disclosures of additional foreign contacts have only strengthened what was already a strong case. Indeed, the compelling basis for a FARA charge has become unassailable and undeniable in the last few weeks.”

Then he added. “The influence peddling schemes directly reference the president and [Joe Biden] is repeatedly cited as a possible recipient of funds.”

Moreover, the Department of Justice is also investigating Hunter Biden’s overseas dealings. 

Hunter Biden Coached on Handling Foreign Transactions

Rep. James Comer said that data from Hunter Biden’s laptop shows that his financial adviser, Edward Presitt, was coaching the POTUS’ son. He learned how to handle foreign transactions without getting flagged by the US. The patriot leader shared his thoughts on Newsmax.

Comer found suspicious texts between Hunter Biden and his financial adviser. He said, ”What we have now are texts from Hunter Biden and Edward Prewitt. He was coaching Hunter on how to make a foreign transaction without getting flagged by the US bank. The financial adviser already knew Hunter was doing something suspected as criminal activity.”

Then he said that having those bank records can help them put Hunter Biden down. Comer added, ”If we could get those bank records, if we knew what those bank violations were, then we could go a long way.”

Our patriot leaders may have solid evidence against Hunter Biden. However, there’s still a chance for the demo-rat to use his influence to get away with all these.

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